In the early 2000s, the founder of the “Student” Charitable Foundation Vladimir Vorobyov, having revised various forms of student self-government, came to a surprising conclusion. It is almost impossible to identify a legitimate student leader at a university, regional or national level. Which student leaders have the right to act on behalf of the country on the world stage? The structures established (student councils, student unions, student alliances and associations), which claim leadership positions, vary between universities, regions and countries.

At the same time, the functions of these structures are very similar and they often duplicate each other.

The task was to develop a global project of student government, which would take into account the main positive aspects of both national and international projects.

A project aimed at the creation of a “student state” as a model of the State of the Future has been proposed.

The logic of reasoning was as below followed:

  1. Every state must have a name. We decided to call it the StudentWorld.
  2. Every state must have a hymn. We have no doubt to decide on Gaudeamus.
  3. Every state must have a flag and emblem. These StudentWorld State symbols have been developed. In order to legalize their status, the flag and emblem have been registered as an international trademark.

To understand how the StudentWorld “state” is organized, a draft Constitution has been developed.

The following definitions have been adopted:

StudentWorld is a democratic social student state with a republican form of government.

The motto of the state is “Peace. Love. Knowledge.”

Power in the state resides in the people (students), who exercise their power through elections and voting, as well as through state bodies.

Power in the StudentWorld has three branches, viz. legislative, executive and judicial. The legislative, executive and judicial authorities are independent of each other.

StudentWorld prohibits activities aimed at inciting social, racial, national, or religious hatred.

The official languages of the StudentWorld are all national languages of the sovereign states where the citizens of StudentWorld reside.

The legislative branch consists of local student councils (university), regional student councils (city, region), national student councils, and on the international level – the Parliamentary Assembly.

A two-stage system of elections to all authorities has been established.

(For more information, see the StudentWorld’s Constitution).

However, the question may arise, “What about the numerous student unions, associations, fraternities, and alliances?

How do they fit into the StudentWorld project?”

The answer is rather simple. The activity carried out by any public, non-for-profit organizations is based on the laws adopted in a particular state. The StudentWorld “Student State” is no exception.

Later, it will be necessary to adopt a number of federal laws of the StudentWorld (on public organizations, on freedom of speech and the media, etc.), which will regulate their work. In this case, the laws adopted will be the framework that defines the main provisions.

All student social structures will also be divided into 4 levels (local, regional, national and international).

Creating a new state will provide an opportunity for many smart and worthy young people to participate in state-building, to fulfill their potential in international activities by participating in the work of international institutions, including the United Nations.

In June 2003, the 1st Parliamentary Assembly of student and youth leaders was held in Saint Petersburg, represented by numerous social and trade union organizations. The Parliamentary Assembly identified the priorities of the student state policy, the Constitution of StudentWorld and the Declaration on the Establishment of the Student State adopted.

At the 2nd Parliamentary Assembly held in Saint Petersburg in 2004, the issues of student self-government at the local (educational institutions), regional and national levels, and of interaction with youth and trade union public organizations were considered. A resolution was adopted that the initiation of building the student state will be announced at a large international student and youth forum, depending on the specific socio-political situation and if this project is supported by the majority of the forum delegates.

Review of the political events and processes that have been consigned to history leads to the main conclusion: the most terrible and bloody events occur when political leaders try to divide people into classes, nations, races or religions, while the ruling class, nation, race or religion seeks to demonstrate their superiority by force. Despite dozens of millions of lives mankind has paid for this, the terrible lessons of history are sometimes consigned to oblivion.

Unfortunately, in the modern world, the enforcement of the international law lacks the main thing, i.e. the RIGHT.

To fight international terrorism, methods of force are necessary, but absolutely inadequate. It is imperative that millions of young people are deeply aware of the danger hanging over the world, because any war not only takes dozens of thousands of human lives, but also cast a long shadow on generations.

It is necessary to mould new views, seek new approaches in the field of international politics. Active involvement young people in the big-league politics, who are aware of the fragility of our world and understand their responsibility for the future, will significantly improve the situation.

That is why we proposed this global socio-political project to create a “student state” by the name of “StudentWorld” as a model of the State of the Future.

Policymakers of the Present determine the Future.

We suggest that policymakers of the Future create the Present.